

Celeste Srl has been working in the field of leather as an import-export agency since 1997 but it is the result of over 30 years experience on behalf of the company founder Celestino Lovato who always acted with wisdom and true entrepreneurial spirit. When his sons became part of the company, a forward-looking approach was spawned while respecting traditional roots.

Success has been brought about by our on-going commitment and devotion to work using healthy trading principles made up of interpersonal relationships, gentlemen’s agreements, transparency in facts and straightforwardness when communicating. We have made a name for ourselves mainly thanks to our serious approach and the enthusiasm we put into our work.



CELESTE srl - Sede Legale e Amministrativa: Via U.Giordano,38 36072 Chiampo (VI) - ITALY
Tel.+39 0444 624065 - Fax +39 0444 420062 - Cod.Fisc.e P.IVA 02598050249 -
E-mail: celeste@celesteleather.com - www.celesteleather.com
Magazzino: Via Arzignano, 53 - 36072 Chiampo (VI) - ITALY